"Christopher Wyze scores big with his debut album...
"Wyze (is) a consummate storyteller in song...
"...deftly matches lyrics with just the right music to produce a number of memorable songs
"...the echoing chamber of Someday sounds as if it might be at home on a Leon Russell album
"(The title track) features a sparkling slide guitar...a Delta blues groove (with) wailing harp...and Dana King’s ethereal call-and-response harmony vocals.
"...country blues number Life Behind Bars...recalls the songs of Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson, even Jimmy Buffet...cannily uses the notion of bars to describe the lonely life of a bluesman...
"Every now and then an artist comes along with their first album and it blows you away...this disc blew me away...I love it, and you’ll love it (writer Kyle Christen)
"...Life Behind Bars...will be up for awards about this time next year. Some slow harp by Christopher at the end just scrapes your soul.
"It’s all here, originality, world-class musicians, Christopher’s lyrics and voice, with each song becoming a story to itself.
"So pick this one up and take (a) road trip through real-deal blues country.
"Timeless story telling blues with a rusty Americana thread straight down the middle
"...what we get from the git-go is Primo Quality Southern Blues drenched in the smells of the swamps and corn mash stills
"Just listening to the way this album is sequenced and knowing that Wyze and The Tellers have spent a lifetime singing an array of Classic covers you know they will put on a Helluva show
Wyze captures the essence of the South in particular, lending an honesty to the tales that unfold
Best tracks include the album opener Three Hours from Memphis, the sweet Soul On The Road, the highsteppin’ Money Spent Blues, the upbeat Looking For My Baby, and the testifyin’ Someday.
Good stuff!
Keys & Chords (Netherlands) July 2024
...takes listeners on a journey from Coast to Coast, through his Technicolor filmscape spirit...
(a) keen storyteller of unique tales...a powerful songwriter...master of words and respected stylist...he has already secured his place
He mixes blues, rock 'n' roll, Americana and country with his distinctive voice and deep storytelling.
A swampy and Delta sound interprets the typical chorus of the bluesman in Hard Work Don't Pay
Ballads are permeated by nostalgia and the rock “roots music” makes the album Stuck in the Mud an extraordinary story by Christopher Wyze and his Tellers.
Wyze neatly combines the world of his imagination with the essence of blues
...melancholic, melodic...lined with rock blues...(and) ravenous tales
...extraordinary stories by Christopher Wyze and his Tellers.
...moves neatly in the musical tradition of the South. steeped in this centuries-old tradition
...an interesting look at the tradition of the music of the South and the Mississippi Delta.
...to let us see what people like (and don't like) on our site. Don't worry. No idea who you are. Thanks for stopping by. Means the world to us. Chris Wyze